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Questões - FACULDADE CIÊNCIAS MÉDICAS 2019 | Gabarito e resoluções

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(FCMSC-SP/2019-2) Um homem foi picado por uma jararaca e procurou auxlio mdico em um hospital. Para inibir o efeito das toxinas contidas no veneno da serpente, o mdico indicou para esse homem


(FCM - SP (Santa Casa) - 2019) Leia o conto de Mrio Quintana para responder questo. Velha histria Era uma vez um homem que estava pescando, Maria. At que apanhou um peixinho! Mas o peixinho era to pequenininho e inocente, e tinha um azulado to indescritvel nas escamas, que o homem ficou com pena. E retirou cuidadosamente o anzol e pincelou com iodo a garganta do coitadinho. Depois guardou-o no bolso traseiro das calas, para que o animalzinho sarasse no quente. E desde ento ficaram inseparveis. Aonde o homem ia, o peixinho o acompanhava, a trote, que nem um cachorrinho. Pelas caladas. Pelos elevadores. Pelos cafs. Como era tocante v-los no 17! o homem, grave, de preto, com uma das mos segurando a xcara de fumegante moca, com a outra lendo o jornal, com a outra fumando, com a outra cuidando do peixinho, enquanto este, silencioso e levemente melanclico, tomava laranjada por um canudinho especial Ora, um dia o homem e o peixinho passeavam margem do rio onde o segundo dos dois fora pescado. E eis que os olhos do primeiro se encheram de lgrimas. E disse o homem ao peixinho: No, no me assiste o direito de te guardar comigo. Por que roubar-te por mais tempo ao carinho do teu pai, da tua me, dos teus irmozinhos, da tua tia solteira? No, no e no! Volta para o seio da tua famlia. E viva eu c na terra sempre triste! Dito isto, verteu copioso pranto e, desviando o rosto, atirou o peixinho ngua. E a gua fez redemoinho, que foi depois serenando, serenando at que o peixinho morreu afogado (Eu passarinho, 2006.) Mas o peixinho era to pequenininho e inocente, e tinha um azulado to indescritvel nas escamas,que o homem ficou com pena. No contexto em que est inserida, a orao sublinhada indica uma


(FCM PB - 2019/1) Engaging Doctors in the Health Care Revolution Despite wondrous advances in medicine and technology, health care regularly fails at the fundamental job of any business: to reliably deliver what its customers need. In the face of ever-increasing complexity, the hard work and best intentions of individual physicians can no longer guaranteeefficient, high-quality care. Fixing health care will require a radical transformation, moving from a system organized around individual physicians to a team-based approach focused on patients. Doctors, of course, must be central players in the transformation: Any ambitious strategy that they do not embrace is doomed. And yet, many physicians are deeply anxious about the changes under way and are mourning real or anticipated losses of autonomy, respect, and income. They are being told that they must accept new organizational structures, ways of working, payment models, and performance goals. They struggle to care for the endless stream of patients who want to be seen, but they constantly hear that much of what they do is waste. Theyre moving at various rates through the stages of grief: A few are still in denial, but many are in the second stageanger. Bursts of rage over relatively small issues are common. Given doctors angst, how can leaders best engage them in redesigning care? In our roles in senior management of two large U.S. health care systems, and as observers and partners of many others, we have seen firsthand that winning physicians support takes more than simple incentives. Leaders at all levels must draw on reserves of optimism, courage, and resilience. They must develop an understanding of behavioral economics and social capital and be ready to part company with clinicians who refuse to work with their colleagues to improve outcomes and efficiency. To help health care leaders engage physicians in the pursuit of their organizations greater goals, we suggest a framework based on the writings of the economist and sociologist Max Weber, who described four motivations that drive social action (that is, action in response to others behavior). Adapted for health care professionals, these are: shared purpose, self-interest, respect, and tradition. Leaders can use these levers to earn doctors buy-in and bring about the change the system so urgently needs. (Adapted from www.hbr.org) Choose the correct Verb Tense for the underlined words on the sentence below: We have seenfirsthand that winning physicians support takes more than simple incentives.


(Faculdade de Cincias Mdicas da Paraba - 2019/1) Engaging Doctors in the Health Care Revolution Despite wondrous advances in medicine and technology, health care regularly fails at the fundamental job of any business: to reliably deliver what its customers need. In the face of ever-increasing complexity, the hard work and best intentions of individual physicians can no longer guaranteeefficient, high-quality care. Fixing health care will require a radical transformation, moving from a system organized around individual physicians to a team-based approach focused on patients. Doctors, of course, must be central players in the transformation: Any ambitious strategy that they do not embrace is doomed. And yet, many physicians are deeply anxious about the changes under way and are mourning real or anticipated losses of autonomy, respect, and income. They are being told that they must accept new organizational structures, ways of working, payment models, and performance goals. They struggle to care for the endless stream of patients who want to be seen, but they constantly hear that much of what they do is waste. Theyre moving at various rates through the stages of grief: A few are still in denial, but many are in the second stageanger. Bursts of rage over relatively small issues are common. Given doctors angst, how can leaders best engage them in redesigning care? In our roles in senior management of two large U.S. health care systems, and as observers and partners of many others, we have seen firsthand that winning physicians support takes more than simple incentives. Leaders at all levels must draw on reserves of optimism, courage, and resilience. They must develop an understanding of behavioral economics and social capital and be ready to part company with clinicians who refuse to work with their colleagues to improve outcomes and efficiency. To help health care leaders engage physicians in the pursuit of their organizations greater goals, we suggest a framework based on the writings of the economist and sociologist Max Weber, who described four motivations that drive social action (that is, action in response to others behavior). Adapted for health care professionals, these are: shared purpose, self-interest, respect, and tradition. Leaders can use these levers to earn doctors buy-in and bring about the change the system so urgently needs. (Adapted from www.hbr.org) Choose the proper question tag for the following sentence adapted from the text: They are being told that they must accept new organizational structures, ___________.


(Faculdade de Cincias Mdicas da Paraba - 2019/1) Understanding Anxiety Disorder Many of us worry from time to time. We fret over finances, feel anxious about job interviews, or get nervous about social gatherings. These feelings can be normal or even helpful. They may give us a boost of energy or help us focus. But for people with anxiety disorders, they can be overwhelming. Anxiety disorders affect nearly 1 in 5 American adults each year. People with these disorders have feelings of fear and uncertainty that interfere with everyday activities and last for 6 months or more. Anxiety disorders can also raise your risk for other medical problems such as heart disease, diabetes, substance abuse, and depression. The good news is that most anxiety disorders get better with therapy. The course of treatment depends on the type of anxiety disorder. Medications, psychotherapy (talktherapy), or a combination of both can usually relieve troubling symptoms. Anxiety disorders are one of the most treatable mental health problems we see, says Dr. Daniel Pine, an NIH neuroscientist and psychiatrist. Still, for reasons we dont fully understand, most people who have these problems dont get the treatments that could really help them. One of the most common types of anxiety disorder is social anxiety disorder, or social phobia. It affects both women and men equallya total of about 15 million U.S. adults. Without treatment, social phobia can last for years or even a lifetime. People with social phobia may worry for days or weeks before a social event. Theyre often embarrassed, selfconscious, and afraid of being judged. They find it hard to talk to others. They may blush, sweat, tremble, or feel sick to their stomach when around other people. (Adapted from: www.newsinhealth.nih.gov) Choose the proper question tag for the following sentence from the text: These feelings can be normal or even helpful, _________.


(FCM 2019) A cmara de gs era um dispositivo para matar seres humanos que consiste em uma cmara fechada na qual um veneno ou gs asfixiante era introduzido. Durante o Holocausto, tais cmaras eliminaram grandes grupos de pessoas, como parte da poltica nazista de genocdio contra judeus. Os nazistas tambm tinham como alvos ciganos, homossexuais, deficientes fsicos e mentais e intelectuais contrrios ao regime. Os agentes txicos mais utilizados eram o cianeto de hidrognio, o dixido de carbono e o monxido de carbono. Tais substncias caracterizam-se por ter natureza apolar, o que explica a capacidade de atravessar com facilidade as membranas das clulas, comprometendo de forma irreversvel o funcionamento do sistema nervoso. A polaridade destas substncias explicada quimicamente pela teoria da hibridizao e ageometria molecular. Sobre a hibridizao dos carbonos do cianeto de hidrognio, do dixido de carbono e do monxido de carbono, correto afirmar o que se apresenta na alternativa:

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